Sanmar AS is the biggest tugboat operator and builder in Türkiye and is recognised as being amongst the leading specialist tug constructors worldwide. Most of Sanmar’s clients are A-class operators which are also highly active in the offshore industry and to more ably meet the needs of increasingly demanding customers, Sanmar has invested in another shipyard.

The new shipyard is located in Altinova, currently 50 minutes by car and ferry away from Tuzla where Sanmar’s existing modern custom built shipyard is located. Upon completion of İzmit Bay Crossing the distance between two shipyards will decrease to 20 minutes.

The construction of several vessels has already started at the new shipyard. When totally completed, the new shipyard will be in total approx 50,000m2 of which 26,000m2 will comprise a covered and closed production area. The infrastructure is being designed using the latest technology to ensure the maximum standards of health and safety and respecting the needs of the environment. Sanmar aims to be the ‘greenest’ shipyard in Türkiye.

In its Tuzla Shipyard (which is to remain in full production) Sanmar builds high quality and specialised tugboats. When the new yard is up and running completely the company intends to extend its scope with the construction of more sophisticated vessels adding to its already extensive portfolio of tugboats with AHTSs, PSVs, offshore construction vessels, and those using alternative fuels such as LNG, for which it has already built a fine reputation.

In 2014, Sanmar broke its record and delivered 17 tugboats to 10 countries.