Integrated Quality-HSE Management System in SANMAR covers all the procedures of shipyard production facilities at every stage and harbor tugboat services as well.

Sanmar has a well implemented and continuously developed integrated management system in “Ship Building & Tugboat Services” by the ownership of all personnel. This integrated management system has been certificated by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance in January 2012.

By February 2017, the Management System is also applicable to After Sales Service.

Sanmar believes that permanent Customer Satisfaction leads to excellent work results.  The sustainability of production & verification processes and customer satisfaction are crucial elements that have made possible the international success that the company has enjoyed to date. 

The one year guarantee period that Sanmar provides to its clients after the delivery of the vessel is one of the most crucial processes of the business as well.

In order to manage this process in a positive way, certification of After Sales Service is added to Management System.  With the new department functioning under Quality Department, the team will be more organised, responsive, and focused regarding After Sales Service. It took almost 6 months to get prepared for this new certification.