The TRAktor-Z 2500SX is the new, versatile Z-drive tractor tug designed by Robert Allan Ltd. in collaboration with Sanmar Shipyards. Designed for maximum efficiency in both harbour ship handling and towing duties, this compact, under 24 m rule length design, offers dependable omnidirectional performance for use in ports worldwide.

The hull and appendage configuration has been extensively model tested and analysed with Robert Allan Ltd.’s in house Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) capability, to optimize directional stability both while sailing ahead and astern, without compromising manoeuvrability.

The hull particulars are:
– Length overall – 25.3 m
– Beam overall – 12.0 m
– Depth, least moulded – 4.55 m

Ship handling and towing duties are performed using a double drum winch and dual aperture staple combination off the aft main deck. Heavy duty cylindrical fendering envelops the stern bulwark, with an additional row of ‘W’ type fenders on the hull below. The cylindrical fender extends quite far forward and ties into ‘D’ type fenders along the sheer line, ensuring adequate contact area with an assisted ship while working off the hip. For redundancy an optional tow hook can be installed on the aft deck near the winch.

The wheelhouse is designed for maximum, 360 degree visibility from the aft biased main console. Main engine exhaust stacks have been routed in areas of natural blind spots, such as the door frame and window mullions, to reduce visibility obstructions around the wheelhouse perimeter. Overhead windows and a rotating mast allow for overhead visibility and ability to undertake operations under the flare of a ship. The large bridge deck forward has space for installation of a rescue boat and davit.

The deckhouse includes a wet room when entering off the main working deck, and access into the engine room below. This space is separated from the galley and mess for noise reduction. Forward of the mess and galley are the master and chief engineer rooms, complete with individual water closet units and spacious floor area in excess of 8 m2. The lower deck includes 2 x 2 crew cabins with individual water closets, and a laundry room. All accommodation is above the waterline and in full compliance with MLC2006 requirements.

The engine room is the area that really offers a lot of flexibility and customization potential. The propulsion equipment can be configured for a:
– 70 t BP tractor tug design (ie. 2 x Z-drives installed at the bow)
– 60 t BP tractor tug design (ie. 2 x Z-drives installed at the bow)
– 60 t BP Rotortug design (ie. 2 x Z-drives installed at the bow + 1 x Z-drive installed at the stern)
Aft of the engine room is a spacious hold/workshop area, which can be configured for a second Z-drive compartment for the Rotortug arrangement.

Additionally the engine room layout allows for installation of the following optional equipment:
– optional fi-fi ½ equipment installation
– optional fi-fi 1 equipment installation off a dedicated fire-fighting engine
If off-ship fire-fighting is installed the fire monitors will be installed on the aft bridge deck facing aft.

The TRAktor-Z 2500SX is a small tug that can do the work of its larger predecessors. This compact design offers tugboat Owners and operators the versatility and flexibility to customize the design for their specific operations and ports.