Sanmar AS, the highly prolific tug builder based in Türkiye, has announced that speculative construction of its 25m long, twin-screw Dogancay series has been discontinued. It will now only be available on special order.
Sanmar Projects Director, Ali Gürün commented: “It is still a fantastic boat and can be a good alternative for low budget, low traffic ports, but there are not many twin-screw inquiries anymore. In our very early days as a tugbuilder, it was the mainstay of our production with numerous versions serving across the world in places such as France, Hong Kong, Martinique, Mexico, Pakistan, UAE and the UK as well as here around the Turkish coast.”

Designed by Robert Allan Limited back in 1999, the Dogancay series has, over the intervening 15 years spawned a number of ideas and developments which manifest themselves in today’s extensive range of Sanmar ASD series of tugs.