Although best known for its production of big powerful escort and terminal tugs used worldwide, Sanmar also has a broad portfolio of designs covering all aspects of harbour and towing work and sizes of craft. Less well known but rapidly gaining an international reputation is the compact but powerful for its size Yenicay series of ASDs. Recent deliveries to New Zealand and Abu Dhabi illustrate the advantages of Sanmar’s flexible working practices in a global market.

Based on the same Robert Allan Ltd RAscal 1800 basic design, Arihi (for Port Otago New Zealand) and Safeen (for Abu Dhabi Ports), both measure 18.7m long x 9.2m width and have a bollard pull over the stern of 32 tonnes. This is derived from a pair of Caterpillar C32 main engines, each developing 970kW at 1,800 rev/min, driving Veth type VZ900 Z-drives for agile omni-directional performance.

However, there are numerous notable differences between the boats to suit local needs and the individual owners’ requirements. Safeen has been constructed with the intense Middle East climate in mind. The HVAC system has been modified and upgraded with a split system serving all accommodation spaces. In addition, the insulation thicknesses have been increased. Fan capacities are also improved as part of an overall hot climate package. Furthermore, an external fire-fighting system by FFS is incorporated.

Arihi, on the other hand, has been built to accommodate New Zealand rules and regulations regarding the electrical systems. Duplex seachest strainers have also been fitted as weed protection. The Port of Otago was quite specific about the level of protection – insisting upon tyre fenders along the sides, special fendering aft and bulwark top plates in stainless steel both fore and aft as towline proptection.

As is Sanmar policy, both boats have been equipped with heavy duty deck machinery including a DMT towing winch.